What Others Are Saying:
Nanette Baltz:
Dancing the Enneagram is a fantastic resource for people who wish to study their awareness and understanding of themselves and how they relate to others. Whether you choose to study the Enneagram prior to attending a Workshop, after taking a workshop to have a concise resource guide to refer later, or just to experience The Enneagram through the active coloring exercises, the information throughout the book is a valuable helpI give it 5 Stars!
Jennifer Halloran:
What a fun and useful book! I have taken Kate’s genius classes combining Nia movement and the Enneagram personality types over the past couple of years. This combination has really deepened my understanding and appreciation of my unique self. 

And now there’s a new way to access all this great stuff. This book contains useful information about both Nia and the Enneagram, and adds the extra meditative action of mindful coloring. I love how it teaches lots of new concepts and provides a creative outlet. The illustrations are first-rate. Totally enjoyable. I give it 5 Stars!

Mark Kinsey: 
Massage Therapist

I love Kate’s enneagram/NIA playshop. I’ve taken all the sections so far. The Enneagram is an amazing tool for gaining self-awareness and using the knowledge to evolve. When I learned about my type, I felt like someone had read my journal. Seriously. It was uncanny.

Kate’s teaching goes straight to the heart of all nine types, and she gives a lot of helpful examples, but we don’t stay up in our heads. Instead, Kate pairs each type with one of the nine Nia dance forms. Throughout the class, we dance every type and feel it down in our bodies. It feels great. The song selections are brilliant, too.

Janice Horner: 
Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Raleigh, NC (2)

Kate did a fantastic job with the Dancing the Enneagram playshop! I loved how she weaved the nine personality types with the nine movement forms of Nia and had us dance a song for each type. The "Nia-gram" routine was the perfect end to the program and helped put it all together. I can't wait for Part 2!

Lynda Heymen:

As a Black Belt Nia teacher and psychologist, I want to share how valuable I found Kate’s Enneagram PlayShop to be. From a Nia perspective, I have always sought opportunities to dive deeper into my Spirit and the Spirit Realm. The Enneagram (and the way that Kate delivers it) is serving to take me on a mystical path of self-discovery and self-acceptance. For me, it is a sacred bridge between what I know as a psychologist and what has puzzled me about myself and others.

In addition to being spiritually grateful for this practice, I am aware that the fun in my life has been turned up. As I honor my way of approaching this life experience and make choices to raise my consciousness, I notice that I am becoming even more playful.

I believe that learning about the Enneagram through the Body, and Dancing it in Community with Kate is an opportunity not to be missed!!!

Lou Grinnell:

Kate's idea to combine the enneagram with Nia is genius. Doing the two of them together helps give insight and depth to both. As in everything she does, Kate brings her own unique style, joy, and passion to this class. A stellar experience, start to finish.

Antonia Beh: Professional Dancer

Kate has the gift to inspire and instruct with her contagious enthusiasm and insightful observations.  

She shared her knowledge of the Enneagram as she guided us through the nine types, encouraging our unique and expressive selves in dance.

“Dancing the Enneagram” was an enlightening and transformative experience.

Lisa Mandle: 

I came to Kate's PlayShop knowing nothing about the Enneagram short of pressure to self assess from a sibling with whom I've long had tremendous strain and tension. I allowed the power of each personality type to be felt through the movement forms of Nia and danced my body and emotions without judgement. By the end of the PlayShop and Kate's special a-Nia-gram class, I was moved to call my sister and spent over an hour in the most connective, forgiving, fun, loving conversation I've had with her since ... I can't remember when. This work is powerful, joyful and perception/life shifting.

Melinda Q. Toney, MD: 

Kate Finlayson's embodiment of the treasure of the Enneagram through the gifts of NIA is genius! Kate breathes in her passion for movement with her boldly authentic embodied self into the Enneagram, taking both NIA and Enneagram to the next level. The power of the Wounded Healer emanates from Kate's every move, word, and intention. As an amazing healing bridge to what is possible, Kate inspires us onward! 

Annie Sparks Poteat: 

I loved the entire experience, and there were two major highlights for me: The first one was when Kate introduced the Enneagram types and embodied them with such complete mastery and fervor, that I was able to really “see” the energy type of each one. It was an eye-popping-open experience. And secondly, as we delved deeper into each type and then danced each type with the matching Nia movement form, I was blown away by the experience of embodying each type myself, supported by a brilliant playlist of music that made the energy of each type crystal clear. What a spectacular introduction to the Enneagram!"

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