The people most attracted to The Enneagram are inquisitive souls who have an itch to look behind the curtain. These people are on a spiritual journey and they use The Enneagram as a tool, like a map, for transformation.
On this map, if you know where you are, you can better gauge where you have been and know in what direction you need to go.
The Enneagram divides the human psyche into nine basic characteristics. Called "personality types," each are numbered. The types are represented by numbered points arranged like a clock that numbers 9, instead of 12. The Enneagram also has lines connecting only certain points, creating geometrical pathways that describe each number’s relationship.
The updated system adds a scientific and psychological component to the centuries old enneagram. Because it still retains its symbolic meaning, it provides remarkably accurate insights into what’s being mirrored around you (and probably why) and how you can maneuver through your stuff.